Bowling Action

We continue to get acquainted with the popular terms that are found in the world of cricket. One of the most frequently used is “bowling action”. This term refers to a set of movements, as a result of which a cricketer sends the ball towards an opponent standing with a bat.
Bowling Action: the first stage
The stages of bowling action can be divided into several steps: from Grip to Follow through. We will divide the steps into three stages. It is important to show the key factors that distinguish a good athlete from just an athlete in all phases: athleticism, a clear direction of movement and balance. Our material gives a basic approach to the implementation of bowling action. Some famous bowlers have their own secrets, and the best cricketers create new technical elements that later become classic in cricket.
The beginning of the bowling action is Grip. To grab the ball, you just need to put your fingers on the seams of the projectile on the other side. Right-handers need to tilt the seam to the first slip. For bowlers playing at high speeds, there are several Grip options:
- Many world cricket leaders use cross-seam delivery. This capture format is applicable in all cricket formats. A similar Grip option allows you to send the ball along the lower flight path with bounces from the field, which in turn may surprise the batsman. It can also be an unpleasant moment for a defender if the ball lands in front of him with the seam side.
After Grip in bowling, Approach follows. This movement of the player before the throw is also known as acceleration. How this action is performed depends on the style of play of a particular cricketer, but there are several basic principles:
- When accelerating, you need to keep a balance. In case of its absence, the risks of an inaccurate strike are high. To maintain balance, you need to take steps on the same line with both feet. Medium and fast pace bowlers use this rule. Spin bowlers prefer more diverse approaches.
- When accelerating, it is important to follow the sequence of actions. The head should be straight and motionless.
Experts also give other kinds of recommendations. For example, accelerating should start with short steps and end with long ones. In order for the steps to be clear, you need to lean forward a little and push off with your feet. Sometimes cricketers cover the ball with their hands to confuse the opponent. Some players sometimes take a long time to gain the desired speed before striking. In particular, chest on bowlers enter a striking position using crease. This way, they get extra speed to hit. From the bowlers’ side, they look like javelin throwers. After the end of the movement of one leg, the cricketers have a pause, as a result of which they get the opportunity to use the “whip effect” and invest as much as possible in the kick before they substitute the second leg.
After Approach, Bound is performed in cricket. The jump in this sport resembles the shot put movement in athletics. Athletes, turning 90 degrees, send the ball towards the opponent. The players themselves choose the height of the jump. On the one hand, high repulsion gives advantages in the form of throwing force. On the other hand, after landing, you can lose inertia, and this can negatively affect accuracy.
Bowling Action: the second stage
The next stage can be considered the Delivery stride, which is divided into two parts:
- Back foot contact.
- Front foot contact.
Delivery stride is the time of movement of the legs starting from the landing of the back foot and ending with the landing of the front foot, even if the ball has not yet been released. Usually, the right-handed person’s hind leg protrudes, the left one serves for repulsion. Coil – this is how the contact of the hind foot with the surface is called in cricket.
How to avoid injuries when landing after a jump? To do this, it is necessary to ensure that the hips and back are even when the feet contact. Note the details that help to achieve such a body position:
- The hand that is not involved in throwing the ball must be raised above the head.
- The hand holding the ball must be positioned to the side.
- At the beginning of the movement, the torso should be straight or slightly tilted back.
Bowling Action: the third stage
The final stage in cricket is the point of release. This is the point of the ball at which it is released. It is important that at this moment, the hand in the wrist is not straight but bent. This allows you to make a smooth throw; otherwise, a mistake may be made due to sharpness. The left shoulder should be closer to the stumps.
Fast bowlers’ back of hand should be on the opposite side of the batsmen. The front part of the wrist and the fingers of the hand should indicate the direction of the throw. At the moment of releasing the hand, spin bowlers can position the wrist at any angle. Finally, the last stage of bowling action is Follow through. After that, the player changes his position on the field.