Cow corner

Cow corner is another playground for field cricketers waiting for the ball after the batsman kicks. Just like the cover positions, the cow corner depends on the batsman’s working hand. If the batsman is right-handed, then the fielder’s location is this left border zone (relative to the batsman), at an angle of about 45 degrees. This point is always in line with the deep extra cover but on the other side. Actually, if the player is left-handed, then the players in the cow corner and deep extra cover positions are swapped.
Let’s figure out where this name came from. It is believed that the cow corner position is named after the English parcel of land at Dulwich College. This college has cattle, where they graze in certain places. A cricket ball flew to these places very often. This happened because during school games, certain batsmen, who knew little and did not know how to use more complex punches, very primitively beat off any serves (from the side such punches look risky and sharp).
Initially, it was assumed that such players would be especially visible in cricket matches (in fact, they are). Today such blows are referred to as cow shot.
If you give an example from another sport, then in amateur football, this is the player who knocks further and higher than everyone else, without hesitation where the ball will fly.
The cow corner position has become more popular in newer forms of cricket, starting with Twenty20 status.