Australia donated $30,000 to Sri Lanka

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Australia donated $30,000 to Sri Lanka

Now Sri Lanka suffera very tough financial problems because of the COVID-19. The club carries on gambling — Sri Lanka held a domestic tour with Australia. And the Australian players decided to make a gesture of goodwill — Australia donated $30,000 to Sri Lanka.

The CA said that the players decided to give all the money reward from this tour to Sri Lanka in distress.

Sri Lankan officials have already managed to thank Australia for its support sincerely.

Sri Lanka expresses great gratitude to the Australian Council and the players. In such a difficult time, such gestures help us to believe that everything will be better someday,” the Sri Lankan representatives remarked.

Recall that the harsh economic crisis within the government impacted cricket: the Asian Cup 2022, which was supposed to be in Sri Lanka, was moved to the UAE.

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