
Mullygrubber has the same meaning as simple grubber. The only difference is that mullygrubber is an Australian word.
Also, these words have their own synonym – shooter. All of this applies to bowler serves. It is known that a lot depends on the throw of the player with the ball. The bowler can knock out the wicket right away with a good throw or prevent the batsman from getting runs. Mullygrubber is a throw when the ball either does not have time to bounce off the pitch at all (the batsman takes the ball near the ground) or touches the ground and bounces almost at the very feet of the batsman (that is, the ball does not have time to bounce to a comfortable height for the batsman).
Mullygrubber throws usually happen spontaneously with fast serves. Naturally, it is extremely difficult for an opponent to hit such a ball. By the way, the word grubber in New Zealand is used for a hand tool – mattock. It is easy to guess what such a tool is intended for (for digging small objects out of the ground or crushing them).
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