Contrived circumstances

There are many tactics and techniques in professional cricket to increase your chances of winning one match or an entire tournament. The phrase contrived circumstances refers to the prepared and disassembled tactics that the slugger captain uses from time to time.
From the side of a fan (especially a beginner), it may seem that applying contrived circumstances means doing something wrong, making a mistake. However, this is not quite true. Suppose during the match the captain of the battering team sees that it is better to serve than to hit in this segment of the game. In that case, he can order the team to receive the balls without hesitation, just to earn a minimum of points and finish the inning as soon as possible. This is contrived circumstances or just an idea (plan).
However, there is no such term in the official source of Wisden Cricketers’ Almanack.
The WSA is an annual cricket guide (over 1,500 pages) that has been published since 1864.