Promo Code Store in 1xBet

The loyalty program is characteristic of every gambling platform that respects itself and its clients. At 1xBet, its most famous element is a Promo Code Store, where users can purchase combinations for free services for bonus points. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the Promo Code Store in 1xBet, and also tell you where to get bonus points for making purchases.
What is Promo Code Store in 1xBet
Every client of the 1xBet betting company has at least once faced such concepts as bonus points and Promo Code Store. What is it, what is this section for on the official website, and what are its advantages?
Promo Code Store in 1xBet is an element of the loyalty program, where users are invited to purchase promo codes for certain company services. It is noteworthy that the purchase is carried out not for real money, but for bonus points – points that are awarded for the activity shown on the site.
You can find the Promo Code Store in 1xBet both on the company’s official website and in the mobile application. The store works as follows:
- The user opens the store in the Promo section.
- Checks the number of bonus points available by clicking on the corresponding button.
- Examines the assortment of the promo code showcase.
- Changes bonus points to one or another combination.
After the purchase, the client can use the purchased promo code to play in a particular section of the company.
What you can buy in Promo Code Store in 1xBet
Which 1xBet promo codes can be purchased in the company’s store? The platform offers users a reasonably rich assortment:
- free spins (free spins for slots from various gambling entertainment providers);
- bets in TV Bet (1xBet games are widespread among the company’s clients);
- bets in TOTO (yes, they can also be made for free by purchasing the corresponding coupons in the Promo Code Store in 1xBet);
- sports betting (single bets, accumulator bets, systems, bets on video games, and cyber directions);
- entrances to mini-games (on the company’s website and mobile application, you can find many lottery format games in which you can win valuable prizes).
In general, in the Promo Code Store in 1xBet, you can purchase a coupon for almost any service. It is noteworthy that as soon as one or another entertainment section is launched on the site, promo codes for the novelty instantly appear in the Store. Thus, players can test and understand new directions without spending real money.
Promo Code Store in 1xBet: where to get bonus points
It’s time to move on to the key question: where to get the very bonus points that serve as currency for purchasing bonus combinations? There are several ways to earn points:
- By participating in the company’s promotions. The fastest way to get a solid number of bonus points is to join in 1xBet promotions. The company regularly gives away thousands of points in various events and mini-games.
- Being active in 1xBet online. If relying on luck is not yours, you can earn bonus points by your activity. Points are awarded depending on the amount of money put down in various services (sports betting, casino, and other entertainment are counted).
To check the number of accumulated points, just click on the “Request promo points” button on the Promo Code Store in 1xBet app page or on the company’s official website. As a rule, the accrual occurs provided that the player has reached the minimum amount of 100 points (activity over the last 10 days is taken into account).
The crediting of bonus funds is available 1 time per day.
Some users note that bonus points are not credited to their accounts. This situation may arise for two reasons:
- Recent registration. Bonus points begin to be credited to the user’s account no earlier than 30 days after registration. If you have created an account recently, you will need to wait a little to unlock the Promo Code Store in 1xBet.
- Activated cashback. The promotion “Bonus Points for placed bets” is one of the two elements of the loyalty program, the alternative to which is the bonus “Percent on the balance of the gaming account”. The user can select only one promo.
If the problem is not related to the above situations, we recommend contacting the company’s support service, because Promo Code Store in 1xBet is a great way to play at the expense of the site and get much more fun and profit.
Duration of the promotion: permanently.